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Saline Sonography by a Consultant Gynaecologist

See a consultant gynaecologist in a relaxed setting


Gynaecology Saline Scan and Consultation  £400.00
Sexual Health Clearance test £200.00

Female Pelvic Saline Sonography

MUMS Consultant Gynaecologist, Miss Poonam Pradhan – offers saline sonography to investigate a range of gynaecological issues.

About Saline Sonography

Using ultrasound and saline – better images of the uterine and endometrial cavity are visualised. Miss Pradhan will perform a pelvic ultrasound then use the saline within the uterus to improve visualisation.

Why have Saline Sonography?

Quite often – women have abnormal bleeding – sometimes caused by polyps/fibroids etc.  Saline Sonography – sometimes referred to as Saline Sonohysterography – is a procedure to assess and define abnormalities.

When should it be done?

Miss Pradhan performs this within the first ten days of the menstrual cycle. The cost is £400.00.

An STI (sexually transmitted disease) must be organised, and the result obtained prior to the procedure. Results take a few days. The cost of the STI clearance (DL12) is £210 at MUMS.

A £50 deposit is required for the sonography procedure.

We test ( to ensure you do not have an infection that can spread with saline sonography) for:

  • Chlamydia trachomatis
  • Neisseria gonorrhoea
  • Mycoplasma genitalium
  • Ureaplasma species
  • Trichomonas vaginalis
  • Gardnerella vaginalis
  • Herpes Simplex I/II

This test cannot be performed when pregnant, and it is why we only do this at the beginning of your cycle – preferably between Day 5 and Day 10.

You do not need to have full bladder. Miss Pradhan will scan the abdomen initially before performing a transvaginal ultrasound. Miss Pradhan will look closely at the shape and size of your uterus, it’s appearance, the endometrium (lining of the uterus) and the ovaries. Miss Pradhan will share with you her findings and insert a speculum into your vagina and then introduce the saline into the uterus via a catheter.

How long does it take?

The STI checks appointment should be performed a few days before saline sonography. This appointment takes 15 mins. Saline Sonography and consultation lasts for approximately 45 minutes.

Following the procedure

Miss Pradhan will explain her findings and provide you with a report. You can drive home after the procedure, but it is best to have a driver in case you feel faint or have any cramping pains. Pain and discharge can last 24-48 hours. We advise that pain relief is taken one hour before the procedure. Simple over the counter analgesia is all that is required. Symptoms of infection include fever, loss of appetite, pelvic pain, or unusual vaginal discharge.

You can call us to arrange a saline sonography procedure on 0121 704 2669. You can also make an enquiry via our website to obtain more information.

We have ample parking and great reviews. For more information about Miss Pradhan, Consultant Gynaecologist – follow this link

Frequently Asked Questions